This particular corner of the Westzaan Polder is called the Reef and it is part of the Westzijderveld that used to be much bigger. The Westzijderveld is the historic name for the vast open space between Westzaan to the west and Zaandam, Koog aan de Zaan, Zaandijk and Wormerveer to the east. The name originates from the seventeenth century, at the same time as the name Oostzijderveld was coined for the fields to the east of the Zaan. These were never official names, but they have been widely used ever since, even in legal documents. Because of building activities in the last century the area was much diminished in size. The A8 motorway has cut the Westzijderveld in half and the northern part is now known as the Guisveld. The Westzijderveld once was crammed with windmills, especially saw mills that were later replaced by steam powered factories. All but one have now vanished.